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The categorisation of the information found in the toolkit has been designed and developed around to the learning outcomes framework ( for literacy, focusing around language listening and speaking, reading and writing. Although this framework was developed as part of the schools project, it makes reference to literacy for vocational purposes. This has been loosely used to be adapted to the needs in adult learning.

Therefore as part of the toolkit, the educator will find reference to a learning outcome and ideas about how a digital tool or medium can be used to achieve that outcome. As a specific example let us consider the learning outcome related to oral communication:

Creating a sentence stem that is appropriate for a discussion related to a set theme (for example tragic events).
In this case, the toolkit will provide information that can lead to a class activity. This information will be subdivided in headings such as instructional aims and objectives, tool/s that can be used, how the tool/s can be accessed and used, and any other additional materials and resources that the educator can make use of, for and with her/his learners.

This toolkit can not only be used by educators to make use of the ideas and strategies for teaching literacy in class, but it can also be used as a platform to exchange ideas and strengthen the adult educator community through communication and collaboration.

All content released under the Creative Commons License